Ena Jozo is located on Mount Futatsumori (altitude 1,223m). It’s midway up, at about 600m, a bit deeper in the mountains than the small town of Fukuoka in Nakatsugawa, Gifu.

Since it’s in the heart of the mountains, there’s plenty of beautiful scenery to enjoy in all four directions. It’s a prime spot to experience nature. Please come visit it yourself sometime and experience it in person. You’ll be certain that the sake made here must be delicious.

This is a small brewery founded in 1818 by the chief brewer at the time, and maintained by the family ever since. Everything is made by hand from the preparations to the Shinshu (“new brew of saké”) made through the use of balls of cedar springs hung in the eaves of the brewery. Some of the brewers’ rice is owned by the brewery itself with a aim to, “Make Japanese saké more enjoyable, introduce its pleasures to a wider variety of people, and make saké that satisfies the demanding standards of the brewers.” As such, the brewery continues to fully investigate all of its manufacturing processes including its rice, water and human resources in order to improve its saké.

2992 Fukuoka, Nakatsugawa-shi

■Business Hours:
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
(9:00 – 16:00)

During the New Year Holidays.

■For more information, contact:

