Iwamura Brewery is said to have been founded in 1787, as a supplement to the founder’s services of catering to Iwamura Castle. During the Meiji era, the castle was dismantled, and the Iwamura Brewery switched to exclusively making sake. It became a publicly-incorporated company in 1921, and began producing other products, such as miso, soy sauce, mirin (sweet culinary rice wine), and shochu (another distilled spirit).

However, from the postwar period onwards, its main goal has been to become the best sake producer in the region.

We use natural spring water drawn from a well dug four hundred years ago (and chosen as one of the fifty best sources of water in Gifu Prefecture). The spring provides water that is consistently cool and clear. The water is so abundant that we can draw all the clean, clear water from the well until it is empty, and within three hours, the well will return to its previous levels. We also use only the best rice. The rice used in all our products is the highest quality, good enough to be used in ginjo saké, one of the highest quality saké available. Ever since our foundation, we have always striven for clear, beautiful saké we call, “Reiro-fukuiku,” as our creed when making saké. “Reiro” means “clear” and “beautiful.” “Fukuiku” means a “wonderful scent.”

342 Iwamurachō, Ena-shi

■Business Hours:
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(9:00 – 17:00)

■Sake Warehouse Tour Hours:
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
(9:30 – 16:00)


During the New Year Holidays.

■For more information, contact:

